First Header | Second Header |
ARM | Azure Resource Manager |
SAS | shared access signatures |
RAG | Retrieval Augmented Generation |
LLM | large language model |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
acs | azure cognitive search |
AAD | Azure Active Directory |
ME-ID | Microsoft Entra ID |
MSI | Managed Service Identity |
AML | azure machine learning |
aria | Accessible Rich Internet Applications |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
PST | Pacific Standard Time |
RCA | Root Cause Analysis |
GA | General Availability |
CSI | Chinasoft International (中软国际) |
ADX | Azure Data Explorer |
RAS | Remote Access Service |
SCA | Site Collection Administrators |
FTE | Microsoft full-time employee |
SAW | Secure Access Workstation |
ETA | estimated time of arrival |
ADO | Azure DevOps |
LRS | Locally-redundant storage |
NER | Named Entity Recognition |
PII | personally identifiable information |
NLU | Natural Language Understanding |
CLU | conversational language understanding |
ASR | Automatic Speech Recognition |
CFS | Central Feed Services |
OSS | Open Source Software |
two different authentication methods
Use a service principal, shared access signature (SAS) token or account key to authenticate access to your storage account.
Use your Microsoft Entra identity or managed identity.